I work on the web

September 9, 2007 at 3:57 pm (flickr, library, teaching)

I work on the web
Originally uploaded by webchicken

I jumped in on the “I work on the web” meme on Flickr:

My name is Sara and I work on the web.

I graduated high school in 1995 knowing very little about computers or the Internet. Working as a public library assistant through undergrad exposed me not only to the usefulness of technology, but also to educated women who were not afraid to explore it.

This inspiration led me to earn a master’s degree in library science with a specialization in library technology management. I use the Internet every day to track down answers to a variety of questions.

I teach a Women’s Studies undergraduate course online and am proud to include online research skills as part of my curriculum. I supplement textbook readings with work on the web – text, audio, and video.

More and more people can use the Web to get around, but I like empowering people with the tools to search and evaluate. I feel most proud when helping someone "get it" and overcome their technophobia, if just for a minute.

I’m sometimes disappointed with the lack of vision in embracing technology (from administrators and educators). Unless we start doing a better job of teaching information literacy, this will only get worse.

PS – I love hand-coding HTML. I’m addicted to Flickr.

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