computer frustrations

October 16, 2007 at 12:43 pm (2.0, library, mpow, service)

We have 2.0 learning open labs three times at week at work: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from noon to 1:30 pm. Mondays we have coffee and snacks(!) in the staff training room, Tuesdays and Wednesdays we are in the public training room.

Working on the public computers has been enlightening. We realized there are several components of our learning 2.0 program that aren’t possible on our public computers the way they are set up. There are several glitches with Blogger in IE6 – the only browser available.

Originally uploaded by webchicken

Right now I am retooling the blog signup information for so we can work around the Blogger problems. I am attempting to take screenshots for the tutorial and realized you can save the files from Paint onto the desktop, but you can’t create a desktop folder. It’s interesting working on these machines – I’m not used to the restraictions the patrons deal with, so this will help me help them.

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